Oct 09
Written by Coach Marcia Woon-Choy,Your Business Growth, Leadership and Team Engagement Coach
How Many of These 11 Management Tips are You Using?
Try Answering these questions to yourself and Be Honest.
Also try doing this from time to time!
1) Do you always give credit to specific employees when discussing accomplishments with your own supervisor?
2) Do you go out of your way to consistently share information about company goals and plans with your own staff?
3) Do you give staff members a clear understanding of the purpose behind each assignment or project?
4) Do you hold at least one meeting per week with each person who reports to you?
5) When a project is completed successfully, do you allow the staff involved to spread the good news or do you reserve that announcement for yourself?
6) Without looking it up, can you discuss in detail the following topics for each of the persons who report directly to you:
7) When was the last time you had lunch with your staff?
8) For each person reporting to you, list the most frustrating job-related responsibility he/she faces according to his or her perceptions.
9) How often do you sit down with each person and discuss career goals as they relate to the organization? Do you know in detail the professional goals of each person who reports to you?
10) How often do you accept an employee suggestion?
11) Do your employees frequently come to you with suggestions? Do you consider this to be often enough?
As John Maxwell Says: – People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!