Using the tools and resources of ActionCOACH, our Business Growth coaches, help entrepreneurs and owners overcome the challenges in maintaining and growing a successful business.
We coach our clients into ActionCOACH’s definition of a successful business which is:
"A Commercial Profitable Enterprise that can run without you IN it!"
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There are Six Keys to creating a winning team and the first and most important one is that of Leadership. As our number one leadership expert John Maxwell says: “Everything rises and falls on leadership”.
In Maxwell’s book, “The 21 Irrefutable laws of Leadership” his first law, The Law of the Lid, says “Leadership Ability Determines a Person’s Level of Effectiveness”.
In order to effectively sustain growth, productivity and profitability in a business we have to develop strong leadership at all levels in the organization - senior, middle, junior manager and supervisors. As long as you have a group of people (a team) that you have to influence to achieve a defined outcome they will have to continuously develop their leadership skills.
Did You Know that 87% of workforces are disengaged?
This means employees are not doing their job, or being disruptive to the organisation.
Globally the average workforce looks like this: