Oct 09
So many times I hear our clients say…..”I don’t know where the time went? I have been busy working all day and at the end of the day I have nothing to show for it!”
This is because usually we start our day with good intentions to get things done. We have our nice “To Do List” and somehow during the day, with all the calls and outing of fires, we don’t get to complete the list!
And we feel like a total failure.
Each day we repeat the same thing and we feel hopeless and never able to catch up!
Does this sound like you?
Our advice to our clients is to…….
Schedule Your Priorities and not Prioritize Your Schedule
What most people are doing is trying to prioritise their schedules. What we advise our clients to do is different……Decide first on what are your priorities and then schedule them. Then guard that time well!
We only have 24 hours a day, of which we sleep for maybe 8 hours and work for another 10 -14 hours. So how are we using those hours? Are we investing or spending the time?.
If we are are not being intentional about how we use those hours and leave them open to fighting fires then we are spending those hours.
However if we work on our priorities first then we are investing our time in activities that reap the rewards and benefits that are important to us.
So the first step is to 1)Define what your priorities in life are….and 2) then Schedule them.
So how do we schedule them?
Make an Appointment with Yourself – BLOCK the Time in your Calendar!
Thats right. You must make an appointment with yourself in your calendar (preferably an electronic one)! And make sure to KEEP the appointment.
So many people tell me that when they try to do so…they invariably don’t keep the appointment. And end up working on something urgent or someone else’s priorities.
I ask them if they keep all appointments with their clients and invariably they say yes….so I ask them why? Because the client is important!
So I ask them “Are you and your priorities important” and usually the response is…”well it depends etc etc.” It depends????
You are your most important client!!
What you are working on during that blocked time are activities that will lead you to achieve your goals. If you keep cancelling that appointment, then you are giving up or delaying the important priorities in your life.
If this message resonates with you in any way and you need help (as we all do) then act NOW…..pick up the phone and CALL us at 876-755-3021 or 876-532-2355.
We will help you choose the right programme to get you on your way to learning how to ensure that you focus on your priorities and achieve the success you desire in your life and business.!