6 steps to a better business flyer
The Alhambra Inn 1 Tucker Avenue, Kingston
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6 Steps to a Better Business

May 25, 2023

Do you want to make more money? Do you want control of your time? Do you want to find and keep good people on your team?

Don’t you owe it to yourself to invest some of your time learning how your business can reach its full potential? Of course you do!

Join me as I introduce 6 Steps to a Better Business to learn how to:
-Work ON your business instead of IN your business
-Turn your advertising and marketing into an investment instead of an expense
-Leverage your time to maximize efficiency and profits
-Recruit, motivate, educate, and retain exceptional employees

During this introduction, you will gain a look into what 6 Steps to a Better Business can do for you and your business, including simple, fast, and easy ways to increase sales and profits, free up your time, and create an amazing team! Are you ready to make your business WORK FOR YOU?

Sign up for my introduction to 6 Steps to a Better Business on Thursday, May 25th at 9:00 am EST at The Alhambra Inn!

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